Jacqueline Staikos
Brief CV

2003: Stirrings. Solo show. John Parrot Gallery, Belleville, ON.
2006: Original Vision. Arta Gallery, Distillery District, Toronto, ON.
2006: Still Life. Arta Gallery, Distillery District, Toronto, ON.
2006: May Expressions. Juried show, Quinte Arts Council, Belleville, ON.
2007: Products of Creative Imagination. Guest Artist, Colborne Art Gallery, Colborne, ON.
2007: Featured Artist. Journey Through the Arts, Port Hope, ON.
2007: ECOAA Annual Juried Show. John Parrot Gallery, Belleville, ON.
2007: 2nd Annual International Art Camp, Artist Open Studio and Exhibition, NY Studio Gallery, NYC.
2007 & 2012: Guest artist. Gallery 121 Belleville, ON
2008: Beyond Borders. Exhibition of fine Canadian Art. Chelsea, New York City, NY.
2008: Fall Expressions. Gallery Artplus, Belleville, ON.
2009: Voices. Group exhibition. Studio 22, Kingston, ON.
2010: The View From Here. Solo show. Studio 22, Kingston, ON.
2010: Journey Through the Arts Summer Exhibit, Belleville, ON.
2011: May Expressions. Juried show. Quinte Arts Council, Belleville, ON.
2011& 2012: Spirit of the Hills Summer Exhibition, John Parrot Gallery, Belleville, ON.
2012: Melange. Solo show. Studio 22, Kingston, ON.
2012: Zeitgeist. Juried Show. John Parrot Gallery, Belleville, ON.
2013: Honourable Mention. May Expressions. Juried show. Belleville, ON.
2014: McLaughlin Gallery. Oshawa Art
Association Juried Show. Oshawa, ON.
2015: Scotiabank Nuit Blanche. Exhibition of Independent Canadian Artists. Elaine Fleck Gallery, 888 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON.
2017: Juried Exhibition, Visual Arts Centre, Bomanville, ON.
2021: June - Aug. 30th. Still Point Art Gallery- The Art Of Isolation: Finding A Silver Lining In The Pandemic Response. On line exhibition.
2023: "The Moonwatchers" juried exhibition. MELT Gallery, Base31, Picton, PEC
2023: Homiens Winter Group Online Exhibition

2003: Best Painting. Spirit Of The Hills Juried Show. Warkworth, ON.
2007: Best in Show. Spirit Of The Hills
Juried Show. Warkworth, ON.
2007: Bea Williamson Award For Innovative Use of Colour. BAA Juried Show, Belleville, ON.
2017: Best Painting Oil/Acrylic. Visual Arts Centre Juried Show, Bowmanville, ON.

2008: Jacqueline Staikos. ARTisSpectrum.The Chelsea Perspective, Vol.19, May 2008, Pg. 31.
2012: A Layered Approach. Kingston Whig-Standard. By Kamille Parkinson. June 21, 2012.
2012: Cover Art. Hill Spirits. Spirit Of The Hills Writers Group. Blue Denim Press.
2018: The Link: Winter Issue, Eclectic Eye pg. 17
2021:Still Point Arts Quarterly-Nature Art Spirit- Summer 2021, Issue No. 42. Arts journal. One of the featured artists. Digital and print issues.
2021: The Chestnut Review, literary and art magazine. Volume 3, Number1, summer 2021. Pages 4/5.
2021: The Closed Eye Open-an exploration of consciousness. Literary/art
magazine. Issue IV, summer 2021. Pages
65,66 and 84.
2021: Understorey Magazine. Issue 21
(2021): Rural and Remote Living, page 53
2022: Flash Frog Lit Mag. Four pieces. Jan. and Feb.
2022: Wild Roof Journal. Issue 13. Cover art and interior. March.
2022: The London Reader. Summer 2022. Pages 110 &112.
2022: Flash Frog. June and July.
2022: MASKS Literary Magazine. summer Issue.
2022: Wild Roof Journal online art and literary publication. Cover art and interior.
2023: Flash Frog Lit Mag. On line flash fiction magazine. Two artworks published, May-June.
2023: Room Magazine-issue 46.2:Ley Line. Print and online magazine. Three paintings in interior.